Don’t cry wolf on content…
During a recent multi-agency review of a clients social media programme(not ours by the way!)I was stunned to see the extraordinary amount of social posting going to potential clients but that was generating an almost negligible response.
On closer examination, the clear issue was a complete lack of meaningful content made worse by a blatant attempt to nevertheless present it as meaningful. Effectively treating potential customers as idiots.
Not only was the campaign an extraordinary waste of resources but trying to engage anyone without a worthwhile story is also brand damaging and will deflate future engagement. A campaign that was worse the pointless in fact.
When it comes to content it has to real, relevant and truthfully engaging.
Good content won’t come out of thin air, it needs time, strategic and creative investment. Otherwise, the client will pay the price of crying wolf!
To read more of our insight visit the CI Group Hive.